The physician diagnoses your condition and proposes appropriate solutions for you, with the possibility of issuing a prescription.
I am a psychiatrist certified by the Saudi and Arab boards in Psychiatry since 2014. I treat patients aged 18 and older, including elderly individuals aged 65 and above. I specialize in conditions such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, hyperactivity, and attention deficit in the elderly. I also provide long-term psychotherapy for conditions like borderline personality disorder and gender identity disorder.
Assistant Consultant Family Medicine, Saudi Board of Family Medicine, specializing in the treatment of chronic diseases such as hypertension, thyroid diseases, diabetes, obesity, asthma, anxiety and depression, early detection of diseases, and basic health care for geriatrics, women and children.
استشاري الطب النفسي، الزمالة السعودية والعربية بتخصص الطب النفسي، الحالات التي يتم علاجها الاكتئاب، القلق المعمم، نوبات الهلع، الرهاب الاجتماعي، الوسواس القهري، اضطرابات التكيف، الفصام والاضطرابات الذهانية، اضطرابات النوم، نوبات الهوس واضطرابات المزاج، اضطراب الشخصية، الزهايمر، اضطرابات الاكل، الادمان