Join elite physicians and therapists and achieve your goals through your virtual clinic in Tatmeen.
Tatmeen provides your own virtual clinic at your fingertips at any time and anywhere in the world through: receiving scheduled and urgent consultations, rescheduling appointments, suggesting other consultant, a medical file for the beneficiary, and many other advantages.
Tatmeen seeks to build your unique personal brand by improving the visibility of your name, qualifications, and marketing through the application and its channels.
Tatmeen provides a vibrant and impactful community that supports practitioners in the Tatmeen application to exchange experiences, cases, scientific articles, etc.
All your conversations and calls with beneficiaries are encrypted, and neither Tatmeen nor anyone else can read or view them. We provide a safe, private and completely confidential environment.
Without additional costs or fees, Tatmeen allows you to make additional income 24/7 through Tatmeen’s platform.
Join an elite group of physicians and therapists and achieve your goals through your virtual clinic in Tatmeen.
Join elite physicians and therapists and achieve your goals through your virtual clinic in Tatmeen.
Provide psychological and family care through counseling, programs, meetings and support groups at any time and anywhere in the world.
Join elite physicians and therapists and achieve your goals through your virtual clinic in Tatmeen.